My Bad: A Parenting Opportunity

As a woman that games as well as advocating parents being involved with their kids while gaming, especially multiplayer, I have erred. Not a minor faux pas. Nope. A big OMGS blunder. Let me explain.

Recently I was spending time gaming with my stepson. He is an impressionable six years old and thinks I am the Goddess of Gaming.

The game was Rated Everyone and age appropriate. The problem was that I wasn't.

I had become so engrossed in playing I momentarily forgot he was there snuggled up to me.

The language that escaped me, bypassing my brain, would make sailors blush.

I froze panicing. Then I realized this was the perfect opportunity to discuss with him how it was lazy and wrong of me and others to speak this way.

We also discussed how even though we make mistakes we aren't "bad". But that the action itself is "bad".

We rounded it all out with a quick talk about practsing good sportspersonship.

I do love when great parenting opportunities present themselves!


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