Games with Gold - July 1-15, 2015
Xbox 360
Plants vs. Zombies
83.73 MB
Full Arcade Game
Rated E10
Free until July 15, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This games is cute! But, be warned, it is in essence, hoard mode. But, it's so cute and in small doses very playable.
Another plus to this game is it's somewhat kid friendly and has a minor co-op mode.
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title.
Grab Plants vs. Zombies free with Xbox Live subscription.
Xbox One
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
21.28 GB
Free until July 31, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This is the flagship (pun intended) AAA game for the start of two new games a month for Xbox One members. Many consider this game one of the better Assassin's Creeds since Assassin's Creed 2. Personally, I enjoyed the game. I enjoyed it so much, I bought the Xbox One that came with it and Assassin's Creed Unity. So, I already own it.
For those of you who don't have it. Go. Download it. Now. Play it. It is a nice game to play. Especially when you go diving. Well, maybe fighting off sharks with limited air is not the most fun a person can have. Regardless, this is an excellent game.
But, do not waste your valuable time in the chintzy co-op. It is far too easy and feels cheap to play.
I just wish since I got it on my Xbox One I had been in the mood to play it. I just haven't been feeling Assassin's Creedy. Anyone else get like that?
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title via Xbox. Buuuuuut....if you are a frugal gamer, as I know you are, via your Uplay (free account rewards you for playing Ubisoft games) account there are:
Please note that each reward from Uplay costs Uplay Points which are earned via playing certain Ubisoft video games.
Grab Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag free with Xbox Live subscription.
Massive Chalice
961.72 MB
Free until July 15, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This is a carry over from last month and should be removed from the listing from Games with Gold on July 15, 2015.
You may read my review of the game here.
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title.
Grab Massive Chalice free with Xbox Live subscription.
Xbox Live Rewards
Plants vs. Zombies has a possible 1000 points members can get for 10 hours of gameplay until July 15, 2015. Also, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag has a possible 1000 points members can get for 10 hours of gameplay until July 15, 2015.
Lost? Found this post past it's time? Go here to see the current free Games with Gold.
Next free Games with Gold - So Many Me (Xbox One) and Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360).
This review contains only my opinions. I have not been financially compensated in any way. I did not receive nor use any samples and/or coupons in order to provide my review only my own Xbox Live Gold account, Xbox One console and Xbox 360 console. Feel free to read my full disclosure policy.
83.73 MB
Full Arcade Game
Rated E10
Free until July 15, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This games is cute! But, be warned, it is in essence, hoard mode. But, it's so cute and in small doses very playable.
Another plus to this game is it's somewhat kid friendly and has a minor co-op mode.
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title.
Grab Plants vs. Zombies free with Xbox Live subscription.
Xbox One
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
21.28 GB
Free until July 31, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This is the flagship (pun intended) AAA game for the start of two new games a month for Xbox One members. Many consider this game one of the better Assassin's Creeds since Assassin's Creed 2. Personally, I enjoyed the game. I enjoyed it so much, I bought the Xbox One that came with it and Assassin's Creed Unity. So, I already own it.
For those of you who don't have it. Go. Download it. Now. Play it. It is a nice game to play. Especially when you go diving. Well, maybe fighting off sharks with limited air is not the most fun a person can have. Regardless, this is an excellent game.
But, do not waste your valuable time in the chintzy co-op. It is far too easy and feels cheap to play.
I just wish since I got it on my Xbox One I had been in the mood to play it. I just haven't been feeling Assassin's Creedy. Anyone else get like that?
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title via Xbox. Buuuuuut....if you are a frugal gamer, as I know you are, via your Uplay (free account rewards you for playing Ubisoft games) account there are:
- 500 Reales (single player use)
- Edward The Legend Outfit (single player use)
- The Blades of Toledo Pack (single player weapon + multiplayer items)
- The Vengeful Daughter Pack (multiplayer outfit + Jackdaw stuff for single player)
Please note that each reward from Uplay costs Uplay Points which are earned via playing certain Ubisoft video games.
Grab Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag free with Xbox Live subscription.
Massive Chalice
961.72 MB
Free until July 15, 2015 (midnight-ish) with Xbox Live subscription
This is a carry over from last month and should be removed from the listing from Games with Gold on July 15, 2015.
You may read my review of the game here.
Additional freebies
There are no additional freebies associated with this title.
Grab Massive Chalice free with Xbox Live subscription.
Xbox Live Rewards
Plants vs. Zombies has a possible 1000 points members can get for 10 hours of gameplay until July 15, 2015. Also, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag has a possible 1000 points members can get for 10 hours of gameplay until July 15, 2015.
Lost? Found this post past it's time? Go here to see the current free Games with Gold.
Next free Games with Gold - So Many Me (Xbox One) and Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360).
This review contains only my opinions. I have not been financially compensated in any way. I did not receive nor use any samples and/or coupons in order to provide my review only my own Xbox Live Gold account, Xbox One console and Xbox 360 console. Feel free to read my full disclosure policy.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Stay frugal!