Happy National Video Games Day 9/12/2013

It is here, the second holiday celebrating video games. I suppose video games gets two holidays because it is considered the largest entertainment industry in the world. In addition, video game culture has crept into all areas of society from the music to video games being the new "devil made him do it". In addition, video games are used, with positive results, to treat kids with severe ADHD, ADD as well as adults with PTST.

I will be celebrating in my usual fashion by playing video games!

How will you be celebrating today? Let us know via the comments!

Image courtesy of clker.com.

Author: Janna Hall
Janna enjoys the thrill of a deal and sharing frugal tips, cooking and her passion, video gaming. When not blogging, Janna can be found on her Xbox 360, cooking, earning some cash or gardening. Share tips, recipes, deals here and follow on Twitter.


  1. My son is playing his Xbox 360. I just play games on FB. That is what we are doing today. Happy National Video Game Day!
    Sue B

  2. Sounds like you both had a great day Sue B!


Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Stay frugal!