Fan of the Week - Facebook (11/6)

This has been on my list of things to do for some time - honoring fans of our Facebook page. Somehow I never managed to do it until now. I am very sorry it has taken this long to get this going. But, now it is done and will be done weekly. Yay!

That aside, our Fan of the Week is
 ... *drumroll*...

Sue B!

... *toss confetti all around* ...

Feel free to drop by our fan page and congratulate Sue B on her success as the current Fan of the Week.

Once you are done with that, feel free to nominate yourself by going here.

Current Fan of the Week shown above.


  1. Thank you so much. Never been fan of the week before. I feel honored. Love your site.
    Sue B

  2. You are most welcome Sue B. Thank you!


Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Stay frugal!